Monday, November 21, 2016


In general when it comes to this subject I like several myths, but the myths that really are my favorites are the Greek. I have known some by investigate the Greek culture, but mostly what made me love the Greek myths was the saga of books  "Dark Hunters" by Sherrylin Kenyon.
One F my favorites myths is the myths of Psyche, she was a princess of a beauty so extraordinary that the same goddess Aphrodite was jealous of her. However, Psyche was so beautiful that she still was virgin because her superhuman beauty frightened her suitors. Aphrodite ordered her son Eros, the god of love, to punish the daring mortal. Therefore, some time later, an oracle sent Psyche's father, under the threat of a terrible calamity, to take his daughter to a solitary rock where she would be devoured by a monster.
But the god Eros, when he saw the girl who had to die in the mouth of the monster that awaited her below, was so impressed by her beauty that he stumbled and pricked herself with one of his own arrows-those arrows he used so effectively to bring sudden love to both mortals and gods.
This is how Eros fell in love with the person his mother had told him to eliminate. But the happiness of this couple would not come until after Psyche went through four tests imposed by the goddess Aphrodite.In the fourth test Psyche fell into a deep sleep, from which she could not awaken, however Eros woke Psyche out of a crush of his mortal sleep and, climbing up to Olympus, asked Zeus for permission for Psyche to join him.
Zeus gave it to him and gave Psyche immortality, feeding him Ambrosia. Aphrodite forgot her bitterness and the wedding of the two lovers was celebrated on Olympus with great rejoicing.
This is not the complete myth, however if you want to read full, here I leave the link, also on this page you can find other Greek myths.

1 comment:

  1. I like this myth, I love the couple of Eros and Psique, especially in the books of Sherrylin Kenyon, is very beautiful and funny
