Friday, November 11, 2016

Post graduate studies

Within the psychology I have always liked the area of ​​children - youth, sexology or psychological profiles, even when these areas are really different.  As for these three areas I know that within the psychology career there are optional courses that I can take according to each subject, however, when in post - graduate courses at the University of Chile, there are only courses in the area of ​​children and youth. If I choose to obtain a post degree in the area of ​​sexology or psychological profiles, the best option is to study in Europe; it can be in Italy, England or Germany and considering that Germany is a country where great contributions to the area of ​​psychology are developed, these country could be the best option. On the other way, Canada is a country that stands out in terms of the possibilities to study, work and residence in the country more easily, especially with people who have professional titles in the area of ​​health or professional titles in general because the most of the people in that country don´t have one.  Another option is Australia, since there are many scholarships that allow study in that country, the only reason to not go to that country are its variety of big and dangerous animals; no one wants to wake up with a snake in his house or a crocodile in the pool. Well, I think that when I get my degree as a psychologist and work a little maybe I can decide which option is better in terms of what to study and where.
Resultado de imagen para australia Resultado de imagen para alemania Resultado de imagen para canada

1 comment:

  1. It is good that there is the possibility of studying abroad, I think if you can, you should take that opportunity, especially in countries like Canada or Australia where it is easier
