Friday, October 14, 2016


Today I´m will to talk about the pets that I have in the present. Actually I have two hedgehogs, two dogs and one cat.
The hedgehogs was a beautiful gift of my brother in law for my birthday and actually they will comply a year with my family in November. They are a male his name is Ren and a female her name is Suki. When they arrived not let anyone touch them, but slowly grew accustomed to my sister and me. Most of the times we have them in separate cages, but occasionally we let them run around the room.
The two dogs are females, the oldest is eight years old, her name is Maya and the other (named Misu) is three years old, both of them are very tender and restless and like to break things, especially garden hose, both born of a mixture of races and have the coat white with light brown tones, I love them a lot. Finally the cat (I always call him Little Beast), my cat have almost two years old and they fur have tones white and black, he is very restless and he like to bite things (especially my arm), but always stop if I ask him for it, he is very curious too and like to eat very much, always want to know what I´m eating even when the food that I eat don´t like him, he want to smell it, is funny when he does that!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, ours pets are very funny and restless, each of them has something special and I love them very much
